pp108 : Diagnostic Operations for LDAP Entries

Diagnostic Operations for LDAP Entries

This topic describes the various features to diagnose LDAP content.

Table 1. Diagnostic Options

Normalization Normalization is the process of changing LDAP entries to normal distinguished name (RFC 1485 format). A distinguished name is used to uniquely identify an entry in the LDAP directory.
Referential Integrity

Referential integrity check is conducted to verify a set of rules based on the Process Platform LDAP schema. It checks whether the relationship between the entries and their attributes is valid. The following checks are done as part of referential integrity:

  • ACL Integrity Check - Checks if the ACL and service attributes point to a distinguished name.
  • Service Container Integrity Check - Checks if there is at least one Service Container under each Service Group, and at least one connection point under each Service Container. If not, a warning message is displayed. The diagnostic tool does not check the Service Container and connection point values.
  • Service Group Integrity Check - Checks if the Service Group contains the properties (or attributes)labeleduri(namespace) andbusmethodset, as specified in the Process Platform schema. These attribute values are associated with Applicationbusmethodsetsandbusmethod. Once the check is done, the results are published with appropriate messages in the Event Viewer.
  • User-Role Integrity Check - Checks for references based on subscribed users, for association ofbusorganizationalroleandbusauthenticationuser(bi-directional) and for theauthenticationuserspecified for all the organization user.
Cyclic References Checks for LDAP entries which hold references to each other.
Invalid Entries Checks for invalid entries and junk data in the Process Platform Directory Search Root on the basis of LDAP schema.
Schema Validates the schema.
URI Scanner Identifies Service Containers that are configured to the same port on the same machine. The tool displays the DN of the connection points that share the samelabeleduri. This is applicable only to TCP/IP, i.e., to socket and zipsocket.